집에서 세차 가능?Car wash available at home

요즘 날씨가 많이풀렷죠 설에 마니쓴 마이 붕붕이 간만에 자동 세차를

돌렷는데요 세차를 할때마다 궁금한게 그냥 집 앞에서 세차하면 될 거 같은데, 누구는 불법이라 하고 또 누구는 아니라고 하고 진짜 헷갈립니다

The weather has been a lot warmer these days. My Bungbung, who had a Lunar New Year manicure, is getting an automatic car wash for the first time in a while. Every time I wash my car, I wonder if I can just wash my car in front of my house, but some people say it’s illegal and others say it’s not, and I’m really confused.


환경부에서 이렇게 말합니다 물 환경보전법 15조 배출 등의 금지 조항에 하천이나 호수 등에서는

세차를 하면 안 된다고 합니다.

세차 도중에 중금속이나 농약 같은 성분이 배출될 경우에는 문제가 될 수 있기 때문이죠.

The Ministry of Environment says this: Article 15 of the Water Environment Conservation Act prohibits discharge from rivers, lakes, etc. They say you shouldn’t wash your car. This is because it can be a problem if components such as heavy metals or pesticides are released during car washing.


근데 집 앞에서 혹은 건물이 허락하는 주차장 등에서 세차를 하는 건 됩니다.

물도 뿌리고 세제나 비누 같은 걸 써도 된다고하네요

그거 폐수 처리 시설이 있는 곳에서만  가능하다고 들었는데라고 하실 텐데

세차장의 경우는 폐수 시설을 설치해야 하지만 개인이 내보내는 오물만 가지고는 폐수 배출 시설을 설치해야 한다고 보기는 어렵다고합니다.

However, you can wash your car in front of your house or in a parking lot permitted by the building. They say you can spray water and use detergent or soap. You might say, “I heard that that’s only possible in places with recovery facilities.” In the case of car washes, wastewater discharge facilities must be installed, but it is difficult to say that wastewater discharge facilities must be installed based only on the sewage discharged by individuals.



그래서 개인이 주택이나 도로에서 세차를 하는 경우는 물 환경 보존법에 15조 적용하기는 어렵다는 거죠.

다만 세차 후 배출한 물이 특정 수질 위해 물질을 다량 함유하고 공공수역으로 유입된다면 위반에 해당될 수 있다고도하고 합성세제 등으로 세차하면

수질오염이 심각해지니까 가급적 중성세제로 하는 게 좋겠죠.??

결론은 집에서 세차 불법이 아닙니다. 해도 됩니다.

Therefore, it is difficult to apply Article 15 of the Water Environment Conservation Act when an individual washes a car at home or on the road. However, it is said that if the water discharged after washing the car contains a large amount of substances that are harmful to certain water quality and flows into public waters, it may be a violation, and if the car is washed with synthetic detergents, water pollution becomes more serious, so it is better to use neutral detergents if possible, right?? The bottom line is that washing your car at home is not illegal. You can do it.


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