요즘 보이스 피싱은? What about voice phishing these days?



얼마전에 제게도 이런문자가왔습니다 요즘 보이스피싱은  일단 해외 결제는 사람들이 바로 의심하니까 원화로 결제됐다고 나오는데요.

중요한건 놀래서 저기 나와있는데 전화번호로 전화를하면 최근 타인명의 소액결제 사기가 늘고 있다면서 주의를 주면서 이니시스 결제회사인것처럼

“무엇을 도와드릴까요?”

라면서 짧게 인사를 하고 바로 결제를 취소해 준다고합니다

그리고 이렇게 바랍니다. 그리고 이거 고객님께서 결제하신 게 아니라고 하면 명의도용에 노출되신 것 같은데  따로

사이버 수사대 신고 접수 같이 해드릴까요? 라고합니다

I also received a text message like this a while ago. These days, voice phishing says that the payment was made in Korean Won because people are immediately suspicious of overseas payments.

The important thing is that if you call the phone number that is there because you are surprised, they will warn you that small payment fraud in other people’s names has been on the rise recently,

pretending to be Inicis’ payment company. “How can I help you?” He said hello briefly and said he would cancel the payment right away.

And I hope like this. And if you say that this is not what you paid for, it looks like you have been exposed to identity theft. Would you like to file a report with the cyber investigation team? It is said

여기가 핵심. 이게 사람 심리가 바로 개인정보 물어보면 의심이 되는데

본인들은 확인만 할 수 있으니 추후 처리는 사이버 수사대에서 연락이 갈 거라고 한번 꼬는 겁니다.

Here is the key. This is human psychology. If you ask for personal information, you become suspicious. Since they can only confirm, they are trying to convince them that the cyber investigation team will contact them for further processing.

절차를 지키는 척하면서 안심하게 만드는 거죠.

그리곤 담당 경찰서에서 5분 안쪽으로 전화가실거라면서 다시한번 안심시킵니다

여기까지 왔다면 이미 반은 당한 거나 다름없습니다. 왜냐면, 실제로 몇 분 뒤에 사이버 수사대 지역 관할대라면서 전화가 옵니다.

일반인에게 보이스피싱관련 경찰서에서 전화가 직접온다??

아마 확인할새도없이 당하게되는겁니다

그리고 핸드폰에 깔려 있는 악성 코드를 확인하고 바로 제거해야 한다는 명문으로 간단한 어플 설치를 요청합니다. 이거 설치하는 순간 내폰은 그대로 털리게 되는겁니다

경찰서 어디에도 개인휴대폰에 어플설치를 권유하지않습니다

꼭 명심하세요~~

They make you feel safe by pretending to follow the procedures. He then reassured me once again that the police station in charge would call me within 5 minutes. If you’ve come this far,

you’re already half way there. Because, actually, a few minutes later, I got a call saying it was from the local cyber investigation unit. The general public receives a call directly from the police station regarding voice phishing??

You’ll probably be hit without even knowing. It then asks you to install a simple application with the explicit message that you need to check for any malicious code installed on your phone and immediately remove it.

The moment I install this, my phone will be stolen. No police station recommends installing the app on your personal phone. Please keep in mind~~


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