Why Ramen Doesn’t Taste Like It Used to


Do you know why ramen these days doesn’t taste like it used to?? They say there are three reasons why it doesn’t taste like ramen in the old days.




it’s because of MSG. MSG is said to not cause any problems to the body if consumed in amounts set by the World Health Organization.

Due to people’s negative views, recently produced ramen noodles are produced without MSG at all and use natural seasonings or contain only a very small amount. It’s like losing the taste of mother’s cooking. ㅎㅎ




It’s the oil used to fry ramen. In the past, noodles were fried in beef tallow, but since foreign countries used that oil for industrial purposes,

people were mistaken in thinking that they were using industrial oil to fry noodles, so they all changed to palm oil, a vegetable oil.

When this controversy was at its peak, ramen sales decreased, and ramen companies suffered losses in the short term,

but in the long term, the price of palm oil was significantly lower than that of beef tallow, so they actually made a profit.




natural seasoning. For example, in the case of red pepper powder, the red pepper powder harvested this year and the red pepper powder harvested last year are bound to taste different.

The same goes for other natural seasonings. That’s why the taste of ramen is bound to be different every year.

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