What do you think about euthanasia?


Recently, I saw a video about how the elderly population is rapidly increasing but they can’t find caregivers.

The average monthly hospital and living expenses for elderly people with limited mobility are 3-4 million won, which is difficult for a typical household to afford. However, the current situation is better than the future.



Because the 5060 generation has an average of 2~3 children, and the next generation has one child or none. In the past,

five siblings could share the burden of two parents, but now one person has to share the burden of two parents.



Statistically, the overwhelming majority of people would like to have a system of active euthanasia for themselves or for society,

but if we think about it as a question of whether we would euthanize our parents, I think that rather than focusing solely on the ethical state and birth rate,

it would be a priority to reduce the burden of supporting the elderly. I am cautious, but what do you think about euthanasia?

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