Using silica gel


Did you have a fruitful and happy Lunar New Year holiday? I don’t know why the days off go by so quickly.

It’s going to be a real New Year too. I think we will have to take another leap forward in 2024. Today,

I will introduce you to some helpful tips I learned while living alone.


1. Open the lid Plastic containers with lids for cooking oil, vinegar, and soy sauce It is very difficult to remove the lid when recycling after use.

Even if I turn it with my hand, it spins in vain and my hand is covered in oil and it feels uncomfortable…

I just stomp on it… In this case, try inserting the back of the spoon.

If you tilt the lid over the mouth handle, you can open it as easily as opening a bottle cap.



Similar-shaped containers can be opened using the handle of a spoon, and lids with narrow openings can be opened using the same lever principle by pushing chopsticks into the opening~~~Bong!! Can be easily separated



2. How to wear rubber gloves When you’re doing the dishes, haven’t you ever had detergent spill and get on your precious arm?

Just fold your wrist once, and even if detergent spills, it won’t get between the folds and get on your arm.



3. Use of silica gel (moisture remover) Do you by any chance throw away the silica gel that comes out after making seaweed?

Don’t throw it away, just wipe it clean and store it in a cupboard to keep it from getting moisture. If you attach it to the lid of damp salt or sugar,

it will absorb moisture inside the container and prevent it from forming soggy lumps.

If you put it in a bag of leftover snacks, you can keep the snacks from getting soggy for a long time. Please try using it~^^

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