Translating Galaxy is so easy!



If you pull down the top bar like this, you can get quick execution. But instead of just pressing it once, try holding it down. Then, in the case of a flashlight,

you can adjust the brightness in 5 stages. And if you turn on the auto-rotate function, it often turns back at any time, which can be inconvenient.




ut if you hold this down, you can choose whether or not to rotate the screen like now. Here, if possible, turn off the home screen, lock screen,

and voice call screen. It’s much more convenient because they don’t rotate on their own. And this is something that came up recently, so I didn’t know about it, but when I’m watching YouTube like now,

There are times when a foreign language comes up.




At this time, just press the home button. Then, you can see a Chinese character button appearing at the bottom right. If you press it, it will automatically translate and show you the screen you are looking at.



So, even things like this that are inside the play video screen and don’t have subtitles, don’t need to capture them and use a translator,

they are translated right away. When I see things like this, it really seems like the world has become a better place~~ㅎㅎ

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