Tires cheaper than shoes?


Tire Bank sees customers visiting during recession as fools



Tire Bank secretly stabs customers’ tires with an awl to induce them to change tires, and damages customers’

good wheels with an extension to force them to sell expensive wheels,

while also forcing them to buy wheels by secretly attaching magnets to the inside of the wheel and scaring them by pretending to do a rough repair while only eating up

30-40% of the official fee.



To avoid paying hundreds of billions of won in corporate taxes, they devised a trick to evade taxes.

They operated stores as disguised business operators all over the country under the so-called franchise structure where franchisees operate as individual business owners.

The Seoul National Tax Service, sensing something strange,

began an investigation, and as a result, it was revealed that most of the stores were directly managed by the head office,

disguised as franchises under the names of each branch manager.



The number is as high as 366. 312 of these stores evaded corporate taxes amounting to hundreds of billions of won,

so the National Tax Service notified the 312 companies of the closure of their businesses as fake businesses.

The prosecution indicted the chairman of Tire Bank for violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc.

of Specific Crimes, embezzlement, and breach of trust, etc., and sought a sentence of 7 years in prison and a fine of 70 billion won. However,

the sentence was reduced to 4 years in prison and a fine of 10 billion won in the first trial, and the appeal is continuing..


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