The truth about the shape of a baseball field


As a person who loves Major League Baseball, I was very curious about the reason why Major League Baseball stadiums are so strangely shaped.

The baseball stadiums we usually know are symmetrical, but sometimes when you watch Major League Baseball,

you will notice that American baseball stadiums are strangely shaped.



Usually, the outfield side is like this, and it is asymmetrical. Why is that??

Originally, baseball was a sport that started with only the infield bases without a set distance to the end of the outfield,

but as spectators appeared, team owners started installing walls to collect money, and as stadiums were formed like this,

the outfield border was created. Thanks to that, there was also a spectacle called a home run,

which is the best hit that a batter can make that an outfielder cannot catch, and its popularity skyrocketed.

Looking at the skyrocketing popularity of baseball, teams decided that they had to quickly build baseball stadiums in places with lots of people.



As the teams somehow squeezed in baseball fields between cities, baseball fields of different lengths were created.

There was even a case where a long football field was remade into a baseball field due to extreme use, and since the red circle was all in the outfield,

there were no home runs that went over that section of about 147 meters even ten times until the stadium was demolished.

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