[태그:] youtube

  • YouTube Subscriber Special

      If you don’t watch YouTube even for a day, it becomes a thorn in your eyes! There are some things I felt while subscribing to YouTube, which has become a part of our daily lives.     1. Movie summary channel subscribers want to finish a movie in 30 minutes, so they search a…

  • Preempting a YouTube nickname

      If you’re on YouTube, hurry up and grab it. Up until now, if you look at YouTube shorts or video comments, you had no choice but to set your YouTube handle nickname in English. That’s why there are so many users. But now Korean is possible, and since this is impossible to duplicate, you…

  • Turn off the YouTube screen and listen to music!!

      The most used mobile phone by Koreans is Galaxy But how much do you use your Galaxy? I’ll tell you about some of the amazing features that you didn’t know about and couldn’t use!     1. Samsung Internet When I watch YouTube, I like to watch it on Samsung Internet rather than the…

  • Listen to music after turning off the YouTube screen

      I don’t listen to music for a long time, so at some point I started using apps that I pay a monthly fee to listen to. I delete it and listen to it on YouTube occasionally. As a result, while listening to music on the move, when the YouTube screen turns off, the music…

  • 유튜브설정 & youtube 댓글 달기

      하루에도 한두시간씩은 유튜브를 보시는게 일상이되어버린 세상입니다 근데 어쩔때보면 화면이 저화질로 나올 때가 있는데요. 이럴 때마다 속터져서 설정에 들어가서 화질을 높은 화질로 매번 귀찮게 바꾸는 분들 많으신데 이제부턴 이렇게 하세요.     오른쪽 위 프로필을 눌러서 설정에 들어가 줍니다. 그럼 바로 동영상 화질 환경 설정이라고 보일 텐데요. 여기서 처음에 있는 자동 권장이 아니라 높은 화질로…