[태그:] ramen

  • Why Ramen Doesn’t Taste Like It Used to

      Do you know why ramen these days doesn’t taste like it used to?? They say there are three reasons why it doesn’t taste like ramen in the old days.     First, it’s because of MSG. MSG is said to not cause any problems to the body if consumed in amounts set by the…

  • Adding water to ramen with a paper cup!!

      I’ll introduce you to 3 paper cup tips that will come in handy someday if you know them~     First Have you ever spilled a drink from a paper cup because the remaining drink was shaking? In this case, try using a used Pringles cap. The size of the paper cup fits perfectly,…

  • 오이 해장 라면 & 라면 끓이기

      술한잔하고난 다음날 여러분은 해장 어떻게하시나요? 전 무조껀 얼큰한 라면인데요!! 시원하고 얼큰한 나만에 해장라면 끓이는법 오늘 알려드려볼께요     1.우선 냄비에 라면물을 끓이시고요 끓인물에 그냥 면을 딱 넣으세요. 여기다 스프 ,건더기,넣으시구요 여러분들 라면 다 이렇게 끓이지않나요?? 맞습니다 여기까진 똑같아요 물 끓면은 여기다가 따로 계란 풀어 가지고 넣고 이러잖아요.그런거 없서요 ㅎㅎ (1. First, boil ramen water…