[태그:] lock screen

  • 잠금 화면 녹음 기능Lock screen recording function

    핸드폰이 꺼져있다가 키면 If the cell phone is turned off and then turned on,     잠금 화면에서 지금처럼 녹음 버튼이 자동으로 뜨는 경우 많은데요. 도대체 이게 왜 뜨는지 아직도 모르는 분들이 많습니다. 참 쓸때없다 생각하시는분들이 많으실텐데 그렇지않습니다 There are many cases where the record button automatically appears on the lock screen, like now. There are still many people who don’t know why this is happening. It’s really useless There may…