[태그:] Lift one foot and hold for more than 10 seconds

  • Simple health check 간단한 건강체크

    이간단한 동작이 안 된다면 병원에 가보시는 걸 추천드립니다. If you can’t do this simple movement, I recommend going to the hospital.     첫번째 한 발을 들고 10초이상  버텨보세요. 만약 이 상태로 서 있는 게 불가능하다면 뇌졸중과 뇌경색을 의심해 봐야 합니다. 실제로 일본 교토대학 연구팀이 조사한 결과 뇌 질환을 가지고 있던 사람들 중 3분의 1 가량이 한 발을 들고 10초를 버티지 못했다고 합니다 first Lift one foot and hold on for more than 10 seconds. If it is impossible to stand in this state, you should suspect stroke or cerebral infarction. In…