[태그:] dry and black

  • 신선한 귤 고르기Choosing Fresh Tangerines

      얼마전 귤에 가스를 뿌려서 겉으로 보기에 잘익은 감귤인것처럼 해서 추석에 비싸게판 나쁜놈들이있섰는데요 이 감귤은 가스가 뿌려진 덜익은 감귤인데  감귤의 꼭지를 보면 가스를 뿌린 감귤인지 아닌지 확인할 수 있습니다 Not long ago, there were bad guys who sprayed gas on tangerines to make them look like ripe tangerines and sold them at high prices during Chuseok. This tangerine is an unripe tangerine that has been sprayed with gas, and…