[태그:] 최대 10만 포인트

  • 걷기로 10만원?? (캐시 워크아님) 100,000 won for walking?? (Not a cash walk)

      저는 작년부터 꾸준하게 포인트를 모아서 쏠쏠하게 사용하고 있었는데, 이제서야 소개해보네요 Since last year, I have been consistently collecting points and using them wisely. I’m finally introducing it to you. 올해 시즌2 가 시작한다는 소리가 들려왔네요~ 내가 19세 이상 서울시민이라면 바로 참여할 수 있는데요 시즌1원  연령도 제한하고 선착순으로 받아서 놓친 분들이 많더라고요. https://onhealth.seoul.go.kr/main I heard that season 2 is starting this year~ If you are a Seoul citizen over the age of 19, you can participate right away,…