Surprisingly, Korea is ranked 1st in the world


Surprisingly, Korea is number one in the world Surprisingly, Korea is number one in the world in seafood consumption.

That’s because they eat all kinds of things that other countries hardly consume, such as seaweed, cephalopods, and shellfish.



In foreign countries, seaweed is called seaweed, and people avoid sea snails, saying they smell like grandmother’s fingernails.

And foreigners don’t eat sea snails and sea snails, calling them sea insects.



lso, cephalopods like octopus are avoided because they are disgusting. However, Koreans eat all of those foods because they are delicious.

That is why we are the world’s number one seafood consumer. ㅎㅎㅎ

When competing with fish overseas, our country is basically eating everything in the sea except for poisonous ones.

Octopus and octopus are sometimes considered to symbolize something a bit monstrous overseas.



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