Sharpen your scissors!


You may often use scissors at home, but sometimes it’s annoying because the blades are dull and you can’t even cut the thread that’s sticking out.

Invest just ten seconds in scissors that don’t cut. They really cut well, like a razor blade.



1. Aluminum foil First, fold the aluminum foil and cut it several times with scissors. Surprisingly, the scissors will sharpen and cut well.



2..Soju bottle If you rub it on a screwdriver or soju bottle at home 10 times, the scissors will be sharpened and become sharp.



3. Toothpaste When you don’t have any, apply toothpaste to the inside of the scissors and wait for 10 minutes.

Then, just move them up and down ten times. Easy, right?? ㅎㅎ The toothpaste contains abrasive ingredients, so it helps the scissors to cut well.

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