When you go to a meat restaurant in winter, your clothes tend to smell bad. In particular, I always worry about winter padding because it is not easy to wash.
You can get rid of this smell that persists even if you hang it on the veranda for several days.
Sprinkle soju on the padding right now. First, mix soju and water in a 1:1 ratio and then sprinkle it on the padding.
If you have laundry plastic, cover it and blow warm air on it with a hair dryer for about a minute.
If you do this, the ethanol in soju grabs the odor molecules and flies them away, completely eliminating the smell.
Then, if you spray the soju water you made on a dry towel and wipe the stained padding, the stain will disappear completely.
If cosmetics get on the padding, moisten a cotton pad with cleansing water and wipe it off. It disappears completely, so use it when you need it.