Publicity AI


Haven’t you often found yourself searching for the information you need in the search bar these days, but only random ads keep popping up??

It’s not nice when you don’t get what you want and only garbage information keeps popping up.



Seriously, it wastes all my time Especially when I need quality materials for assignments or papers, but when I search and go to blogs, all I see are copy-pasted content or unrelated advertisements. ㅜㅜ Even though it has nothing to do with my search terms, it keeps popping up, so I asked a friend who is good at computers how to search without ads, and he said,


“Try using the AI ​​search bar Perplexity.”



What is that?? ㅋㅋㅋ Is it something like ChatGPT?? that I’ve just met??

What’s good about Perplexity is that when you search on Naver, a ton of useless blogs come up, but if you use the search bar equipped with AI,

it organizes and shows you the answer you’re looking for at once, so it’s convenient. Unlike ChatGPT, it shows you various answers and additional explanations.



Perplexity is the best because it displays photos and video graphs and also provides footnotes that cite the source. ㅎㅎ

It’s a shame to keep the good stuff to myself, so I’m sharing it ~ Even if you’re an SKT user right now, you can use Perplexity Pro version for free for 1 year.

You don’t need to enter a credit card, so you don’t have to worry about re-paying after 1 year. It’s so sweet!! It costs 290,000 won, but it’s free…

Everyone, don’t miss it and definitely try it for free..


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