5 must-have tips for renting a studio apartment

Usually, the first floor of a one-room building is a piloti, which is a parking lot. However, if the landlords are greedy and turn the first floor into a commercial space,
and there are illegal gaming rooms, bars, meat restaurants, etc., they have to be filtered out first because unspecified people come and go and the cigarette smoke is considerable.

If you click on the edit map on Naver Map, the area is divided by color. Yellow is residential area and pink is commercial area. As you know,
commercial area is located along the main road, so the noise is no joke, so it is better to walk to the one-room apartment in pink. However, officetels are only in commercial areas, so this is an exception.
Do you know that high schools are shunned these days?? If you’ve been to all of the neighbors’ schools, you’ll know,
but high school neighborhoods are full of idiots who smoke, throw cigarette butts anywhere, fight among themselves, and fight in the alleys, so you should first of all filter out the area around high schools.
You should also filter out houses managed by real estate agents. One-room apartments managed by the landlord while living there.
The building is somewhat clean and secure, but the entrusted management is likely to be a mess.

Last This is the most important thing, even if there is a loan for a one-room building, it can be auctioned, and even if there is no loan, it can be auctioned.
The register is only the current situation, so know that there is no absolute safety in the world. However,
if you sign up for a surety insurance, you will be unconditionally protected, so be sure to use it.