Paste the correct paste


Where should I stick the patch? Where do you put it?? Usually, we stick it on the painful area. In our common sense, that’s usually right. But if we go into a little more detail, it’s wrong.

For example, if your wrist hurts, most people stick it on the back of their wrist. Bang! Then where should I stick it?



It is more effective to attach it to the inside of the wrist. Since there are not many blood vessels passing through the top, it is absorbed through the skin and blood vessels.

This is because the blood vessels pass much more inward. If you say your wrist hurts, it is better to attach it to the inside.



Then, where do you stick it when your knees hurt? Stick it on your knees, but it is more effective when you stick it on the back of your calf when your knees hurt.



When applying a patch to your waist and neck, apply it largely on the cervical spine or apply it in the middle of the lumbar spine, but this reduces absorption.

When your neck hurts, apply it all the way to the trapezius muscle next to the bone. When it’s around your waist, It’s better to apply it in two places on either side of the spine, not in the middle of the bone~^^

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