Medicines hidden in the supermarket

주말이되면 일주일간에 일용한 양식을 준비하기위해 마트,시장 마니 가시죠??

오늘은 시장이나 마트에서 무심고 지나치는 식재료 중에는 굉장한 능력을 가진 것들을 알려드려볼께요

When the weekend comes, do you go to the supermarket or market to prepare daily food for the week? Today,

I will tell you about some of the ingredients that you pass by without hesitation at the market or mart that have amazing abilities.


첫째, 풋고추 .

시장에서 풋고추가 보이면 무조건 사세요.

풋고추는 매일 드셔도 좋을 만큼 각종 영양분이 풍부하며 항암 치매 예방 간 건강 심장 질환에 좋습니다. 볶음이나 찌개에 넣어두셔도 좋고 생으로 먹어도 효능이 좋습니다.

First, green pepper. If you see green peppers at the market, be sure to buy them. Green peppers are rich in various nutrients that can be eaten every day, and are good for anti-cancer, dementia prevention, liver health, and heart disease. You can add it to stir-fries or stews, and it is also effective when eaten raw.



둘째, 팽이버섯

아시죠?? 가격도 저렴한 국민버섯 조리도 쉽고 활용도도많은 팽이버섯은

베타키토산 성분이 풍부해 강력한 항암 효과와 스트레스 완화 심장과 장을 건강하게 지켜줍니다.

Second, enoki mushrooms You know, right?? Enoki mushrooms are an inexpensive national mushroom that is easy to cook and has many uses. It is rich in beta-chitosan, which has powerful anti-cancer effects, relieves stress, and keeps the heart and intestines healthy.

셋째, 미역줄기

국내 최고의 항암 반찬으로  미역줄기는 철분 성분이 있어서 피를 생성하는데 도움이 되고 또 상처회복에 좋다고 합니다. 그리고 변비에도 효과적이고 노폐물 배출에도 좋다고 해요. 다이어트에도 좋다고 하니 참고하셔도 좋을 것 같습니다 그리고 골다공증이나 뼈건강에 도움을 줄 수 있는 칼슘, 마그네슘 성분도 포함되어 있습니다

Third, seaweed stems As the best anti-cancer side dish in Korea, seaweed stems contain iron, which helps produce blood and is said to be good for wound recovery. It is also said to be effective against constipation and good for excreting waste. It is said to be good for dieting, so you may want to take note of it. It also contains calcium and magnesium, which can help with osteoporosis and bone health.

넷째, 애호박

마트가서 애호박 그냥 지나치면 섭섭합니다. 면역력을 올리고 뇌졸증과 위 건강에 좋으며 새우젓을 넣고 살짝 볶아 놓으면 밥도둑이 따로 없는거 아시죠??

특히 다량함유된 비타민 A는 대상 포진 바이러스를 억제하는 역할을 하고 포진이 생긴 피부 재생에도 매우 효과적입니다.

또한 나트륨 배출을 돕는 칼륨 성분이 다량으로 포함되어 있서서

노폐물도 배출시키고 나트륨 섭취에 의해서 생기는 부종에도 효과가 있습니다.

Fourth, zucchini I feel sad when I go to the supermarket and just pass by the zucchini. Did you know that it boosts immunity, is good for stroke and stomach health, and if you add salted shrimp and stir-fry it slightly, there will be no thief?? In particular, vitamin A, which is contained in large quantities, plays a role in suppressing the shingles virus and is very effective in regenerating skin affected by herpes. It also contains a large amount of potassium, which helps excrete sodium. It eliminates waste products and is effective against edema caused by sodium intake.


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