Inverted into outing mode


요즘 또 눈도오고 추웟져서 보일러를 다시 빵빵하게 돌리고있는데

보일러조절하면서 이 외출모드에 대해 궁금한점이 늘 있스셧을텐데

오늘 간단명료하게 설명드려볼께요 ~

It’s snowing and getting cold again these days, so I’m turning the boiler on full blast again. You probably always have questions about this outing mode while adjusting the boiler. I will explain it simply and clearly today.

이름 자체가 외출 모드라서 진짜 말 그대로 잠깐 나갔다 올 때 온도를 살짝만 낮춘 상태로 유지해 주는 기능이라고 알고 있는 분들 많으실텐데
The name itself is ‘Away Mode’, so many people probably know that it is literally a function that keeps the temperature slightly lowered when you go out for a short period of time.

근데 아닙니다.

But no

이 외출모드는 제조사마다 약간씩 다르지만 대부분은 10도에서 8도까지 아주 낮게 떨어져야 다시 가동됩니다. 그래서 사실상 동파 방지 기능이라고 봐도 무방할 정도죠 근데 이럴 거면 외출 모드가 아니라 출장 모드라고 바꾸는 게 더 맞지 않나 싶네요

The name itself is ‘Away Mode’, so many people probably know that it is literally a function that keeps the temperature slightly lowered when you go out for a short period of time.



근데 진짜 문제는 외출모드 가동후에 실내 온도를 1도 올리는데 가스비가 7%나 더 든다는 겁니다.

그래서 외출 모드에 두었다가 낮아진 실내 온도를 올리는데 더 많은 가스를 쓰게 돼서 난방비가 더 나온다는 겁니다.

보일러수리공아저씨에 설명이였죠

그래서 며칠씩 집을 비울 게 아니라면 실내 온도를 평상시보다

3에서 5도 정도 낮게 설정한 상태로 외출하는 게 훨씬 낫습니다. 굿팁!

But the real problem is that it costs 7% more gas to raise the indoor temperature by 1 degree after activating the away mode. So, if you leave it in go-out mode,

more gas is used to raise the indoor temperature, which means higher heating bills. It was explained to the boiler repairman. So, unless you are going to be away from home for several days,

keep the indoor temperature lower than usual. It is much better to go out with the temperature set 3 to 5 degrees lower. Good tip!


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