I regret the loan interest rate of 0.1%


Even with these high interest rates, many of you need bank loans, right?? I am also sensitive to 0.1%. In these times, there is one thing that all bank employees absolutely do not do.

They do not compare the interest limits of other banks when consulting on loans at the bank counter. They say that they cannot compete with internet banks without counters,

but from the consumer’s perspective, every penny is precious, so please tell them a little…. And it is beneficial to get a loan from your own bank. This is inevitable.

So from now on, do it like this.



After entering the Kakao Bank app on your phone, click on the three dots on the right side, and you will see “Compare Credit Loans”.



The good thing about this is that it doesn’t affect my credit score at all. And based on my score, I can compare loan conditions from various financial institutions, not just Kakao Bank, at a glance and apply right away.



You don’t have to keep authenticating and checking each financial institution, just once. Since it is a service provided by a first-tier financial institution called Kakao Bank, it is subject to very strict information regulations,

so personal information such as mobile phone numbers or addresses are not provided to each financial institution when comparing. It would be good to compare first, even if it’s not just a loan or two, right??

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