HIBP Personal Information Verification Service


As times change, the importance of personal information is being emphasized day by day. It would be really embarrassing if I was registered without knowing it or if my personal information was used for illegal purposes. So,

I’m going to introduce you to a site where you can check if your email, which everyone has, is safe!!



First, search for HIBP in the Google Internet address bar




And then just go to the first site that comes up and enter your email address.


Then I can immediately tell if my account has been hacked. If it says good news like this, fortunately there was no leak, but if it says OH-NO and a number appears,

then that number of my information has already been leaked on an overseas site.



And if you look down, you can see which information was leaked from which site. Especially if there are passwords that were leaked, it is really dangerous, so you should change them right away.

Especially, there are many people like me who reuse the same password, even if it was okay until now, once it was leaked, it is not strange if it is leaked at any time, so I recommend that you change it.



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