Get a passport at home

Looking around, everyone is going on overseas trips again this year. I looked at my passport just in case, and it was time to get it reissued, so I got it reissued.

I saw it If you are still visiting twice to apply and receive your passport when reissuing it, please try this. Tips that only require one visit




You can go to Government 24 and apply for a passport reissue. If you upload a passport photo, the process takes less than 5 minutes.

I also buy passport photos cheaply online. I remember messing up a few times. It wasn’t that difficult to take a passport photo size with my phone. But take note that it’s really cheap.




When you go to the district office and apply for a reissue, you can receive it right away without a visit if you apply for an individual mail delivery service.

There is a fee, but if you are in a hurry to get a passport, it is a good idea to apply. If you are lucky, you can receive it in one day.

If you are someone who absolutely has to receive it in person or someone who needs to go at least once,

it would be a good idea to check and apply since some of the direct bookings that are difficult to make time for during the week are open until the evening.



Another important thing is that people often reject me because of my passport photo.

The photo must be taken within the past 6 months. Even if you try to use an old photo,

they will cut it like a ghost, so don’t forget that a passport photo that is no older than 6 months and meets the standards is required.


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