Fried eggs just for me 나만에 계란프라이


오늘은 자취생이라면 필수 식재료인 계란!! 또 이계란프라이는 안먹을수가없죠 저도 참 자주 해먹는데요

계란프라이를 훨씬 더 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 방법을 알려드려볼께요.

계란프라이만 할 줄 알아도 만들 수 있는 쉬운 요리니깐 여러분도 꼭 한번 해 보세요.

그냥  구어먹고 삶아먹고 날로 먹어도  맛이 좋지만 오늘은 조금 더 색다른 요리를 알려드리려고 합니다.

  • 재료
  • 계란 , 파 조금 ,마늘 반스푼, 진간장 한스푼

Today, eggs are an essential ingredient for those living alone!! Also, I can’t resist eating these fried eggs. I also make them quite often. I’ll tell you how to make fried eggs even more delicious. It’s an easy dish that you can make even if you only know how to fry an egg, so you should try it too. It tastes good just grilled, boiled, or eaten raw, but today I would like to tell you about a slightly more unique dish. ingredient Egg, a little green onion, half a spoonful of garlic, a spoonful of dark soy sauce



1. 파, 마늘볶기

먼저 집 구석에 박혀있는 파를 준비해 줍니다. 간절한 마음으로 찾다 보면 어딘가에서  찾을 수 있을텐데요.

파뿌리는 잘라낸 뒤에 다음에 육수를 끓일 때 사용해 주시고요. 파의 맛을 강하게 내주는 흰대 부분을 먼저 대 썰어주시구요

색감을 더하기 위한 초록 부분도 조금 썰고. 프라이팬에 기름을 달궈주세요. 그리고 다진 마늘 반 스푼을 넣고. 그냥 마늘을 썰어 넣어주셔도되구요 썰어뒀던 파도 넣어주세요.

1. Stir-fry green onion and garlic First, prepare the green onions stuck in the corners of the house. If you look for it with a sincere heart, you will find it somewhere. After cutting the green onion roots, use them the next time you boil the broth. First, slice the white part of the green onion, which gives off its strong flavor. I also cut a little bit of the green part to add color. Heat the oil in a frying pan. And add half a spoonful of minced garlic. You can just slice the garlic and add the chopped green onions.

2. 계란 ,간장 넣기

재료가 타지 않도록 중약불에 골고루 볶아줍니다. 파기름이 나올 수 있도록 오랫동안 볶아주시면 더 좋습니다.

파기름은 음식에 감칠맛을 더해주기 때문에 더욱더 프라이를 맛있게 만들어줍니다.

어느 정도 파가 볶아졌다면 계란도 까주세요. 그리고 취향에 따라 완숙이나 반숙 등 원하는 만큼 익혀줍니다.

계란이 반쯤 익었을 때 간장을 넣어주시고요. 

살짝씩 조려가며 구워주시면 정말 맛있는 요리가 완성될 것입니다 .

이게요리냐 싶겠지만 요리죠 ㅎㅎ

요리가 완성됐다면 예쁜 접시에 밥을 담아주세요.

2. Add eggs and soy sauce Stir-fry evenly over medium-low heat to prevent the ingredients from burning. It is better if you fry it for a long time so that the green onion oil comes out. Green onion oil adds flavor to food, making frying even more delicious. Once the green onions are stir-fried to some extent, crack the eggs. And depending on your taste, cook it as desired, such as fully-boiled or soft-boiled. When the eggs are half cooked, add soy sauce. If you simmer it slightly and bake it, you will end up with a really delicious dish. You may be wondering if this is cooking, but it is cooking haha. When the dish is finished, place the rice on a pretty plate.

맛있게 조리된 계란조림도 올려주시면 끝!!!

정말 맛있는 계란 요리가 완성됐습니다. 집에 있는 간단한 재료로 훌륭한 요리가 완성된 모습인데요.

부드러운 계란과 파기름의 감칠맛이 뛰어납니다. 간장은 한번 졸여서 그런지 훨씬 더 맛이 진한 느낌이실겁니다  여러분도 집에서 대파를 활용한 손쉬운요리 만들어 드셔 보세요.

Just top it with a deliciously cooked braised egg and you’re done!!! A truly delicious egg dish has been completed. It looks like a great dish is made with simple ingredients you have at home. The flavor of soft eggs and green onion oil is outstanding. The soy sauce will taste much richer because it has been boiled down once. Try making an easy dish using green onions at home.


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