fragrant toilet
Try this way to get rid of bathroom odors You can create a fragrant bathroom by spraying essential oil or perfume on a toilet paper roll three or four times. It’s a very simple and sure method. After cleaning the toilet, you can keep it more clean by fixing the cleaning brush…
Get a passport at home
Looking around, everyone is going on overseas trips again this year. I looked at my passport just in case, and it was time to get it reissued, so I got it reissued. I saw it If you are still visiting twice to apply and receive your passport when reissuing it, please try this. Tips that…
Free insurance in Korea 대한민국 무료 보험
Most of you pay monthly and have insurance in case you get hurt or sick, right? However, if you are a citizen of the Republic of Korea, there is one insurance policy you have signed up for without your knowledge. This is Citizen Safety Insurance. When taking public transportation, fires, natural disasters, and accidents in…
Why do I pay ATM fees?
Did you know?? When you need cash right away, but you left your wallet or don’t have any cash They say you can withdraw money from an ATM without a fee just by using your phone… There’s no way it wouldn’t work in today’s digital age, right? I guess I’m old too You have…
지하철에서 배가아플때 When you have a stomach ache on the subway
you guys are While riding the subway. What do you do if a loud signal suddenly comes? In Korea, right away. Just look at the subway route map. If you look closely, you will see that some stations have restroom signs, while others do not. But why did they do it this way in the…
등기변동 알림 Notification of registration changes
Today is Part 2 of preventing new lease scams that I posted a while ago. If you live in Korea, you must be aware of this. In particular, I think some homeowners might not like this. Is there a reason why the jeonse scam, which is the biggest issue in Korea these days, doesn’t…
다리 떨기 shaking legs
다리 떨면 복나간다고 어렸을때 다리를 떨때 부모님께 혼난 기억이 다들 있스실겁니다 Everyone remembers being scolded by their parents when they shook their legs when they were young, saying that shaking their legs would bring them luck. You will be there 실제로 우리나라에선 다리를 떠는 행동은 무례하게 여겨지죠 하지만 실상은 다릅니다 다리를 떨어야 건강에 좋다고합니다 이게 뭐 말도 안 되는 소리야라고 생각하시겠지만, 실제로 다리를 떠는 게 혈액순환에 더 좋다고 합니다. In fact,…
감기 귀신 cold ghost
우리가 모르던 상식이 참많은데요 오늘은 저도 몰랐던 상식몇가지 알려드릴께요 There is a lot of common sense that we don’t know about. Today I’ll tell you some common sense that I didn’t know about. 1. 감기는 사실 엄청나게 야한 단어입니다. 감기라는 단어는 감기 귀신에서부터 유래된 말이라고하는데요 이 감기 귀신은 생전에 성기를 두 개나 가지고 있는…
신종 전세 사기방법 New lease fraud method
오늘은 신종 전세 사기에 대해 조금 알려드려볼께요 이게 진짜 알아보니 기가 막히고 코가 막히는 일이더라구요 Today, I will tell you a little about a new type of jeonse scam. When I found out about this, it was truly shocking and stuffy. 얼마전 뉴스에도 나온사건인데요. 전세계약을 한 후 집주인이 바뀌어 버리는 사기였습니다 계약을 한 집주인은 전세금을 받고 날라버리고 의도적으로 명의를 노숙자나 신용불량자에게 집을 넘겨버리는 겁니다. 이게 얼마나 무서운 거냐면 집주인이 바뀌어도 세입자에게 고지를 해야 한다는 법이 없기 때문에 세입자는 집주인이 바뀌었는지도 모르고 새로운 집주인은 명의를 판 세입자보다도 돈이 없는 노숙자거나 노인이기 때문에 애초에 전세금을 돌려줄 생각도 능력도 없죠 This was an incident that appeared in the news recently. It was a scam where the landlord…