[카테고리:] car,it tip

  • Galaxy that is uselessly strange

      Do you know how many features there are in your Galaxy smartphone that only you don’t know about?? I’ll introduce you to some of the uselessly interesting features ㅎㅎ     1. Try saying Harry Potter spells on Bixby or Google Assistant. “Rumors” and the flashlight will turn on. “Nox” and the flashlight will…

  • Tips for using highways during Chuseok holidays

      Chuseok is coming soon I’ll tell you some useful tips for traveling long distances     1. Before leaving by car, text 1588 2504 with your departure and destination to check the traffic conditions in real time.     2. When driving, if you turn on the CCTV function on your navigation system such…

  • Creating youth seed money

      Adults who advise young people to save money without telling them anything But you have to save money from when you’re young. If you live your life like that, it’s easy to end up broke. Life is so hard. Studying for college entrance exams in middle and high school Studying for employment in college…

  • Tips for using highways during Chuseok holidays

      Chuseok is coming soon I’ll tell you some useful tips for traveling long distances   1. Before leaving by car, text 1588 2504 with your departure and destination to check the traffic conditions in real time.     2. When driving, if you turn on the CCTV function in your navigation system such as…

  • Translating Galaxy is so easy!

        If you pull down the top bar like this, you can get quick execution. But instead of just pressing it once, try holding it down. Then, in the case of a flashlight, you can adjust the brightness in 5 stages. And if you turn on the auto-rotate function, it often turns back at…

  • How to distinguish between fake real estate listings

      Today, I will tell you some great tips from a real estate agent on how to identify fake listings.     First, You can filter out fake listings just by looking at Naver Real Estate. Other platforms such as Jikbang and Dabang have high unit prices for advertising, so it is said that real…

  • Why Ramen Doesn’t Taste Like It Used to

      Do you know why ramen these days doesn’t taste like it used to?? They say there are three reasons why it doesn’t taste like ramen in the old days.     First, it’s because of MSG. MSG is said to not cause any problems to the body if consumed in amounts set by the…

  • Air conditioner A/S fraud

      There is a rumor going around these days that a current air conditioner technician is telling you about a fraud technique. I will tell you about it. It is called gas fraud. They say that there is no gas even though there is. Since the customer has no way to check, they leave the…

  • Gallery features that only I don’t know about while using Galaxy

      There are so many people who don’t know this while using Galaxy. It’s a hidden honey feature in the gallery, and if you don’t know about it, you’ll be upset,so I’ll tell you right away. When taking a picture, it might be uncomfortable because someone is blocking your view or there’s an unwanted subject…

  • Drag the Galaxy

      Usually, when you go to My Files and move a file you need, you press and hold, press Move, move the folder, and paste it. You don’t have to do that. Just press and hold the file you want to move, move the folder with the other hand, and drop it.     When…