Apartment pre-inspection service


Do you know about the trendy apartment move-in culture these days?? Would you pay 300,000 won and try it??? This company is essential before moving into an apartment It is a pre-inspection company



As the number of issues with poor apartment construction has increased, it has become standard to ask a pre-inspection company to check for construction defects before moving in. However,

construction companies are complaining that this is causing unnecessary conflicts with prospective residents and that the inspection companies point out even the smallest details,

resulting in an average of over 100 requests for repairs per household.


But honestly, when it comes to houses, we usually have to take out a loan on top of the money we’ve worked hard to save our whole lives. So, of course, we have to be more careful to make sure there are no defects.

I don’t think there’s anything to say about pre-inspection, so the construction company should do it properly.



If I were to buy a new apartment right now, I think I would definitely do it. Instead of criticizing the company for hiring this, I want the construction company to do the construction properly!!!!

This is not a house worth tens or hundreds or thousands of won, but a house that costs hundreds of millions of won, so I think this is really necessary. This seems like a really good culture that needs to be established~~ What do you think?? ㅎㅎ

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