100% 졸음 운전 방지법 How to prevent drowsy driving 100%


요즘 날씨도 좋고 따뜻해서 주말이면 가족과 연인과 나들이들 마니

다녀오실텐데요 ~~

근데 따땃한 날씨에 차가지고 운전하다 보면  많이 졸린데 잠을 확 깰 수 있는 방법이 없을까 한번쯤 생각하실텐데요~~

The weather is nice and warm these days, so I go out with my family and lovers on the weekends. I’m sure you’ll be back~~

However, when you drive in a cold car in warm weather, you may feel very sleepy and wonder if there is a way to wake up quickly.

진짜 운전하다 차에서 한 방에 잠깨는 방법 제가 알려드려볼께요?

우선 편의점에서 얼음 다 팔잖아요

Let me tell you how to wake up in one fell swoop while driving. First of all, ice is sold at convenience stores.

이런 아이스컵이 있으면 준비를 하고 그냥 일반 아메리카노를 조금 3분에1정도 넣고  (어떤 거든. 상관없습니다 ) 그리고 그냥 일반  우유도 커피양만큼 넣고  바나나 우유면 더 좋구요

상큼한 레모나 같은 거 한봉  넣어주세요  그리고 피로회복  박카스 이박카스도 조금 넣습니다  이러면 끝일까요??

아니죠 진짜 마지막 하나 마지막 하나 더 남았는데요 다 된음료 잘섞어서 앞자리에 툭쳐서 넘어트려보세요 잠이 싹 달아납니다~~~ㅎㅎㅎ

If you have an ice cup like this, prepare it and just add a little regular Americano (any kind, it doesn’t matter) and just add regular milk as much as coffee.

Banana milk is even better, and add a bag of something like refreshing lemona. I also add a little bit of Bacchus Lee Bacchus for fatigue recovery.

Is this the end?? No, there’s really one last thing left. Mix the finished drinks well. Tap the seat in front of you to knock it over~~~haha.


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