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얼마전에 우연히 고장난 내컴퓨터를 고치며 수리공 아저씨께 알게된사실이 하나있습니다 이거아셨서요??

컴퓨터 전원을 끌 때 시작 버튼에서 시스템 종료를 할 필요 없이 전원 버튼을 딸깍 한 번만 빠르게 누르면 편하게 전원을 끌 수 있다는 사실을…

Recently, while repairing my broken computer, I learned something from a repairman. Did you know this?? When you turn off your computer,

you don’t have to shut down the system from the start button. You can conveniently turn it off by quickly clicking the power button…

마우스로 윈도우 종료하는 것과 차이가 없어 고장 날 일도 없다고하네요

내가 머리털 나고 처음으로 알게 된게 또있습니다

자동차 앞자리에 햇빛 가리게  다들 있스신데

They say it’s no different from shutting down Windows with the mouse, so it won’t break down. There’s another thing I learned for the first time since I started growing hair. Everyone is blocking the sun in the front seat of the car.

요렇게 옆으로해서 옆창문도 가릴수있습니다 전 진짜 몰랐습니다

You can also cover the side window by turning it sideways like this. I really didn’t know. Lastly

마지막으로 더 충격인게있는데요.

Lastly, there is something even more shocking.

핸드폰으로 문자메세지 보낼 때 받는 사람의 전화번호 말고 메일 주소를 적고 문자를 보내면 메일을 보낼 수 있습니다.


When sending a text message using a cell phone, you can send an email by writing down the recipient’s email address and sending a text message, not the phone number. Awesome~

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