피부과 전문의 찾기 Find a Dermatologist


요즘 나이를 먹어감에 제일 자주 가는 병원이 어디냐면 바로 피부과입니다

얼굴에 잡티하나만 생겨도 왜그리 신경이 쓰이는지 ㅜ

그런 피부과 한번 잘못 가서 피본경험이 있는데, 여러분은 어떠세요??

저렴한 박리다메 병원 말고 전문의가 꼼꼼하게 봐주시는 피부과로 가기 전 꼭 확인해야 할 두 가지 알려드릴게요.

These days, as I get older, the hospital I visit most often is the dermatologist. Why do I get so worried when I have just one blemish on my face?

I had the experience of going to the wrong dermatologist and getting treated, how about you?

I will tell you two things you must check before going to a dermatologist where a specialist will carefully examine your skin, rather than the cheap Bakridame Hospital.

첫 번째

병원 간판으로 구별할 수 있습니다.

first You can tell them apart by their hospital signs.

이렇게 이름 뒤에 피부과 의원이라고 적혀있으면 피부과 전문의가 운영한다는것입니다 .
If it says dermatology clinic after the name, it means it is run by a dermatologist.

하지만 이런 식으로 적혀 있다면 일반이나 피부과 전문의가 아닌 의사가 운영하시는 겁니다

However, if it is written this way, it is operated by a doctor who is not a general or dermatologist.

두 번째

네이버에 피부과 전문의 찾기를 검색하고

대한피부과의사회 (akd.or.kr)

second Search for a dermatologist on Naver.

이 빨간 마크를 꼭 확인해야 됩니다

모든 원장이 피부과 전문의라면 이 빨간 마크가 표시되고 없다면

피부과 전문의가 아닌 원장님이 있다는 뜻!!

피부과 원장이라고 해도 피부과 전문의가 아닐 수 있으니까 피부과 전문 병원을 원하신다면 이거 꼭 확인하세요.

You must check this red mark. If all directors are dermatologists, this red mark is displayed. This means that there is a director who is not a dermatologist!! Even if you are the director of a dermatology clinic,

you may not be a dermatologist, so if you want a hospital specializing in dermatology, be sure to check this.


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