카드 포인트 확인하기

저처럼 카드 여러 장 쓰는 분들한테 꿀팁

요즘은 카드별로 혜택이 다르다 보니까, 어디서 뭘 써야 하는지 헷갈리잖아요.

그래서 1년에 놓치는 카드보인트가 무려 1000억이 넘는다고 합니다.

A good tip for those who use multiple cards like me These days, since each card has different benefits,

it’s confusing as to where and what to use. So, it is said that over 100 billion card rewards are missed each year.

그럴때 더쌘카드란 앱을 한번 사용해보세요

이게좋은게 일단 완전 무료인데가

처음에 한 번만 연동해 두면  내 모든 카드 실적을 실시간으로 확인할 수 있습니다.

In that case, try using an app called The Saem Card. The good thing about this is that it’s completely free.

If you link just once, you can check the performance of all your cards in real time.

여기 밑에 혜택찾기창을 누르고 검색창에 결제할곳을 미리적으면

지금 내가 결제할곳이 어떤카드를 써야 혜택이 가장 큰지


그리고 가운데 카드 찾기를 누르면 내 소비 패턴을 알아서 분석해 주는데

이걸 바탕으로 앞으로 어떤 카드를 쓰면 가장 좋을지까지 알려주고 카드를 발급받으면 캐시백까지 주니까 이왕 카드 쓰신다면

꼭 한번 확인해 보면 좋을 것 같습니다.

Click the benefit search box below here and enter the payment location in advance in the search box.

Which card do I need to use to get the most benefit? You can check it And if you press Find Card in the middle, it automatically analyzes your spending patterns.

Based on this, it will tell you which card is best to use in the future and even provide cashback when you receive the card,

so if you decide to use the card, it would be a good idea to check it out.

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