잠금 화면 녹음 기능Lock screen recording function

핸드폰이 꺼져있다가 키면

If the cell phone is turned off and then turned on,



잠금 화면에서 지금처럼 녹음 버튼이 자동으로 뜨는 경우 많은데요.

도대체 이게 왜 뜨는지 아직도 모르는 분들이 많습니다. 참 쓸때없다

생각하시는분들이 많으실텐데 그렇지않습니다

There are many cases where the record button automatically appears on the lock screen, like now. There are still many people who don’t know why this is happening. It’s really useless There may be many people who think this, but it is not true.


요즘같이 흉융한 세상에서 어떤 상황이든 1초 만에 녹음을 할 수 있게 된 거죠.

이게 왜뜨냐면 작년에 갤럭시업데이트되면서 잠금화면 녹음기능 지원이 추가됫기때문입니다

In today’s harsh world, it is now possible to record any situation in just one second. The reason why this is happening is because with the Galaxy update last year, support for the lock screen recording function was added.

실행조건은 바로 이시계입니다.

여기를 한번 누르면 바로 이 빨간 녹음 버튼이 뜨는데요.

이게 좋은 게 뭐냐면 지문 문의나 비밀번호 없이 이 잠금 화면 상태에서 바로 실행할 수 있다는 겁니다.

그리고 상세 설정을 누르면 음성 녹음 대신 음악이나 날씨 같은 다른 기능들을 넣을 수도 있스니 다양한 활용해보시는것도 좋을듯합니다

The execution condition is this clock. If you click here once, this red recording button will appear. What’s good about this is that you can run it right from this lock screen without asking for a fingerprint or password.

And if you press the detailed settings, you can add other functions such as music or weather instead of voice recording, so it would be nice to use it in various ways.


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