맞춤형 급여 안내 Customized Salary Guide


대한민국 전체국 민중 19.8프로만 가입되어 있다고 하는데 나머지 80프로는 뭐하고 있어요. 앱하나  다운해서 신청만 해 놓으시면 
It is said that only 19.8% of the people in Korea are registered, but what are the remaining 80% doing? All you have to do is download the app and apply.


 80종 이상의 정말 많은 분야에서  내가 대한민국에서 받을 수 있는 복지 서비스를 자동으로 문자 안내를 받을 수 있는데

대한민국 4000만 명이 몰라서 안 하고 있습니다.

In over 80 different fields, I work in Korea. You can automatically receive text notifications about welfare services you can receive. 40 million people in Korea are not doing it because they don’t know.


복지로 앱을 다운하시고 맞춤형 급여 안내 (복지멤버십) 터치 후 절차에 따라 진행만 해주시면,  끝~
Just download the Welfare app, touch customized salary information (welfare membership), follow the procedures, and you’re done~

자신이 받을 수 있는 지원금 제도를 깔끔하게 정리해주는 시스템이라고 말씀드릴 수 있는데 아시다시피 어떤 지원금이 내게 해당되는지 하나하나 찾아봐야 하는 게 상당히 귀찮은데 내가 해당되는지 한 번에 확인할 수 있는 맞춤형 급여 안내 서비스입니다

특히 50~60대로 인터넷과 친하지 않은 분들에게 여러 가지 정부 지원 서비스들을 손쉽게 알 수 있어서 편하다고들 하십니다.

대부분 못 받겠지라고 생각하지 마시고 하나라도 받으면 좋은 거니까  꼭


I can say that it is a system that neatly organizes the subsidy system that you can receive. As you know, it is quite annoying to have to find out which subsidy applies to you one by one,

but this is a customized salary information service that allows you to check at once whether you are eligible. In particular,

people in their 50s and 60s who are not familiar with the Internet say that it is convenient because they can easily find out about various government-supported services.

Don’t think that you won’t get most of them, but if you get at least one, it’s good, so make sure to do it. Apply now


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