단체 카카오톡 AI 대화 요약 Summary of group KakaoTalk AI conversation


이번에 카톡이 업데이트되면서 AI를 통한 대박 신기한 두 가지가 생겼는데


카카오톡에 단톡방 하나라도 있다면  확인해 보세요

With the recent update of KakaoTalk, two amazing things were created through AI. Do you know?? If there is even a group chat room on KakaoTalk, check it out.

일을 하다 보면 카톡방에서 조금만 지나도 메시지가 엄청 쌓이지 않나요?

이거 하나하나 읽기엔 너무 많고 그렇다고 안 읽기에는 대화에 참여하기 어렵고 난감했섰는데요

그런 분들을 위해  나 온기능입니다

When you’re working, doesn’t a lot of messages accumulate in the KakaoTalk room after just a few minutes?

There’s too much to read one by one, and if I don’t read it, it’s difficult and frustrating to participate in the conversation. For those people, this is my feature.

일단 환경설정 실험실에서 대화 요약하기를 설정해 주고 채팅방에서 안 읽은 대화 요약하기를 눌러주면 채팅 내용을 AI가 요약해서 보여줍니다

이제 단톡 일일이 확인 안 해도 될 거 같네요.

Once you set up conversation summary in the settings lab and click on summarize unread conversations in the chat room, AI will summarize the chat content.

I guess I don’t have to check the group chats one by one anymore.

다음으로, 카톡을 보낼 때 은근 말투가 신경 쓰이는 순간이 있는데, 이것도 말투 변경하기로 설정해 주면 상황과 상대방에 맞춰 정중체, 상냥체, 임금체

신하체, 로봇체로 AI가 자동으로 말투를 바꿔줍니다.

Next, when sending a KakaoTalk message, there are moments when you are slightly concerned about your tone of voice. If you set this to change your tone of voice,

you can change it to polite, kind, and polite according to the situation and the other person. AI automatically changes the way you speak to a body that looks like a body, a robot body.

아무렇게나 막 적어도 이렇게 정중하게 바꿔줘서 생각보다 좋은데요. 여러분은 이번에 생긴 카톡의 신기능

어떻게 생각하시나요?

한 번쯤은 사용할법한 기능 잘 활용해 보세요~^^

It’s better than I thought that they changed it so politely. Have you seen the new feature of KakaoTalk? What do you think? Take advantage of the features you might use at least once~^^


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