다리 떨기 shaking legs

다리 떨면 복나간다고 어렸을때 다리를 떨때 부모님께 혼난 기억이 다들


Everyone remembers being scolded by their parents when they shook their legs when they were young, saying that shaking their legs would bring them luck. You will be there

실제로 우리나라에선 다리를 떠는 행동은 무례하게 여겨지죠

하지만 실상은 다릅니다 다리를 떨어야 건강에 좋다고합니다

이게 뭐 말도 안 되는 소리야라고 생각하시겠지만, 실제로 다리를 떠는 게 혈액순환에 더 좋다고 합니다.

In fact, shaking your leg is considered rude in Korea. But the reality is different. It is said that dropping your legs is good for your health.

You may be thinking this is nonsense, but shaking your leg is actually It is said to be better for blood circulation.

미주리 대 연구팀이 조사한 결과 다리를 떨면 혈류량이 늘어나 혈관이 더 건강해진다고 합니다

또한 종아리근육은 혈액을 심장으로보내는 펌프역할을 하는데 다리를떨면

A University of Missouri research team found that shaking your legs increases blood flow and makes your blood vessels healthier. Additionally,

the calf muscles act as a pump to send blood to the heart, and when you shake your legs,

다리부분의 혈액순환이 좋아지기때문에 앉아있을때 다리를 떨면

뭉친근육을 풀어줘 좋을수있습니다

이제는 복이나간다는 미신믿기보다는 의학적 확실한 근거가있는

다리떨기를 마음껏 시작해보심이 어떠세요?? ㅎㅎ

Because blood circulation in the legs improves, if you shake your legs when sitting, It can be good for relaxing tense muscles. Now,

rather than believing in superstitions about good luck, there is solid medical evidence. How about starting to do leg swings to your heart’s content? ㅎㅎ



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