걷기로 10만원?? (캐시 워크아님) 100,000 won for walking?? (Not a cash walk)


저는 작년부터 꾸준하게 포인트를 모아서 쏠쏠하게 사용하고 있었는데,

이제서야 소개해보네요

Since last year, I have been consistently collecting points and using them wisely. I’m finally introducing it to you.

올해 시즌2 가 시작한다는 소리가 들려왔네요~

내가 19세 이상 서울시민이라면 바로 참여할 수 있는데요 시즌1원  연령도 제한하고 선착순으로 받아서 놓친 분들이 많더라고요.


I heard that season 2 is starting this year~ If you are a Seoul citizen over the age of 19, you can participate right away,

but there are many people who missed out on Season 1 because the age is limited and it is given on a first-come, first-served basis.


근데 이번에는 연중 상시 모집으로 바뀌었습니다 ~

또 시즌1에서는 스마트워치를 사용하거나 제공된 워치를 사용했다면,

이번에는 워치 없이 폰만 있어도 쉽게 참여할 수 있습니다.

대신 간단한 인증절차를 걸치셔야합니다

But this time, it has changed to year-round recruitment. Also, if you used a smartwatch or the provided watch in Season 1, This time, you can easily participate with just a phone and no watch.

Instead, you must go through a simple authentication process.

손목 닥터는 건강관리가 목적인 만큼 8000보 걷기를 성공하면

제일 큰 포인트가 부여되고

내가 세운 목표와 하루 식단도 작성해 주면 완성할 때마다 포인트가 부여됩니다

일단 회원가입하시고 기본정보만 입력하셔도 5천원이적립되고

캐시워크처럼 진부해 보이지만 하루하루 습관처럼 하다보면, 최대 10만 포인트까지 모이는데 이 포인트는

서울 페이 머니로 전환해서 현금처럼 편하게 사용할 수 있어서 건강도 챙기고도 돈도 생기는 기분이라 입니다

검색창에 손목닥터9988로 검색해보거나 9988 앱을 다운받아서 회원가입 후 신청하고 승인 나면 익일부터 서비스가 가능하니까 꼭 한번 신청해보세요.

Since the purpose of the wrist doctor is health management, if you succeed in walking 8,000 steps, The largest points are awarded If you write down your goals and daily menu,

you will be awarded points each time you complete them. Once you sign up and enter basic information, you will earn 5,000 won.

It may seem like a cliché like Cash Walk, but if you do it every day as a habit, you can accumulate up to 100,000 points. I can convert to Seoul Pay Money and use it as easily as cash,

so I feel like I can take care of my health and make money. Search for Wrist Doctor 9988 in the search bar or download the 9988 app, sign up and apply. Once approved, the service will be available the next day, so be sure to apply.


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