여러분은 어떤 미신을 믿으시나요??
지금껏 살아오시면서 많은 미신을 알고 믿고계셧을텐데 오늘은
한국인만 믿는 특이한 미신에대해 말씀드려볼께요
What superstitions do you believe in? You must have known and believed in many superstitions throughout your life, but today Let me tell you about a unique superstition that only Koreans believe in.
1.빨간색으로 이름을 쓰면 어떻게되나요?
언제부턴가 빨간색으로 이름 쓰면 죽는다는 전설이 내려오고있죠
그냥 글씨 쓴 건데 뭘또… 왜 빨간색으로 이름 쓰지 말라는걸까요?
그이유는 크게 세 가지가 있습니다.
a. 6.25 전쟁 당시 빨간 줄을 그어 죽은 사람을 표기했다고합니다
(왜 속설로 민증에 빨간줄간다 하잖아요)
1. What happens if I write my name in red? There’s a legend going around that if you write your name in red, you’ll die. It’s just writing, but what else…
Why are they telling me not to write my name in red? There are three main reasons. go.
a. It is said that during the Korean War, a red line was drawn to mark the dead.
(Why is there a popular saying that there is a red line on your ID card?)
ㄴ.사형수의 번호표가 빨간색입니다.
ㄷ.중국 진시황이 자기 만 빨간색으로 이름을 쓸 수 있게 만들었다네요
B. The number tags of death row inmates are red.
D. Qin Shi Huang of China made it so that only he could write his name in red.
2. 밤에 휘파람 불면 귀신 나온다?
귀신안나오던데…과거에는 휘파람을 통해 도둑들이 신호를 주고받았다고
합니다 그래서 밤에는 휘파람 못불게하려고 그런거래요
필히 휘파람은 밤에 불지마세요 시끄럽습니다.ㅎ
2. If you whistle at night, will a ghost appear? I heard there are no ghosts… In the past, thieves used whistles to send and receive signals.
That’s why I’m trying to stop you from whistling at night. Please do not whistle at night. It is noisy.