블랙 아이스 알고 대비하자


겨울철 빙판길은 내가 브레이크를 밟거나 핸들을 돌려도 사고가 나는 경우가 많은데 이제는 어디가 빙판길인지 미리 알 수 있습니다

In winter, accidents often occur on icy roads even when I step on the brakes or turn the steering wheel, but now I can know in advance where the icy roads are.

눈이 온 후 갑작스럽게 기온이 내려가면 녹았던 눈이 다시 얇은 얼음으로 얼게 되는데 이게 도로에 얼면 블랙아이스가 됩니다.

블랙아이스가 위험한 건 눈에 잘 안 보인다는건데요

근데 간단한 옵션 하나만 켜주면 어디가 빙판길인지 알 수 있습니다.

If the temperature suddenly drops after it snows, the melted snow freezes again into thin ice. When this freezes on the roads, it becomes black ice.

The danger of black ice is that it is hard to see. But if you turn on one simple option, you can see where the icy road is.

티맵 https://www.tmap.co.kr/

티맵을 켜고 아래  설명을 따라해보세요

1. [TMAP] 앱을 실행해주세요.

2. 하단 메뉴바에서 [마이] 탭을 눌러줍니다.

3. 우측 상단에 위치한 톱니바퀴 그림의 [설정] 아이콘을 터치합니다.

4. [소리] 카테고리에 있는 [음성 안내 항목]을 눌러 들어가주세요.

5. 주의구간을 클릭하세요

Turn on T Map and follow the instructions below. 1. Run the [TMAP] app.

2. Click the [My] tab on the bottom menu bar.

3. Touch the [Settings] icon in the gear icon at the top right.

4. Click [Voice Guidance Items] in the [Sound] category to enter.

5. Click on the caution section

그걸 클릭하면 나오는 결빙 위험 구간 옵션을 켜주시면 됩니다

기본적으로 이 옵션이 꺼져 있을 거예요.

이 옵션을 켜두면 음성으로 결빙 위험 구간을 미리 알려주기 때문에 빙판길에서 조심히 운전할 수 있습니다

결빙 위험 구간은 겨울에만 안내하도록 설정이 되어 있어서 겨울에 지나도 굳이 끄지 않으셔도 됩니다.

When you click on it, you can turn on the icing risk zone option. By default, this option will be turned off. If you turn this option on,

you can drive carefully on icy roads because you will be notified in advance of areas at risk of icing by voice.

Freezing risk sections are set to be provided only in winter, so you do not need to turn it off even if winter passes.

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